A Neuro-Fuzzy Agent Based Group Decision Hr System for Candidate Ranking

A Neuro-Fuzzy Agent-Based Group Decision Hr System for Candidate Ranking is a report that highlights the necessity of the candidate ranking necessary of the hr system. The group decision related to the hr system can highlight the users as to how the candidate ranking is easily possible through this report. The report can also focus on how easy management of the candidate ranking is possible. The project report belongs to the software project reports category and available in either PDF format or word document. The download mini project, synopsis, abstract report on neuro-fuzzy agent based group decision Hr system for candidate ranking is available easily. The users can free download abstract, synopsis report on neuro-fuzzy agent based group decision Hr system for candidate ranking.

Study on Neuro-Fuzzy Agent-Based Group Decision HR System for Candidate Ranking, a Neuro-Fuzzy Agent-Based Group Decision HR System for Candidate Ranking is a state-of-the-art and complex system that will change the way human resources departments choose candidates. Neuro-fuzzy systems and intelligent agents are two types of artificial intelligence that are used together in this system to help make decisions about ranking and choosing job candidates.

Types of artificial intelligence

Trainers used a lot of CV, interview, and job success data to build an artificial neural network. An artificial neural network enables a computer program determine which candidates’ traits will help them obtain the job.

People use unclear thinking when the facts aren’t clear. Fuzzy logic covers the complicated parts of making choices and lets you rank candidates in a skewed way. For example, it might look at culture fit, social skills, and other difficult-to-measure but very important factors in the hiring process.

Additionally, smart agents make decisions virtually for you. Representatives of recruiters, hire managers, and team leaders work as human resources (HR) agents. Through communication, the neuro-fuzzy system and these creatures share their unique thoughts, wants, and needs related to their jobs. Employees and the system work together to understand applications. Their data is added to the choices that the neural network has already made based on data.

There are lots of benefits in Neuro-Fuzzy Agent-Based Group Decision HR System. It automatically screens applicants based on quantitative and qualitative parameters, making rating candidates less biased and subjective and speeding up decision-making. This streamlines hiring, saving time and money.

Topics Covered:

02)Objectives, ER Diagram
03)Flow Chats, Algorithms used
04)System Requirements
05)Project Screenshots
06)Conclusion, References

Project Name A Neuro-Fuzzy Agent Based Group Decision Hr System for Candidate Ranking
Project Category Software Project Reports
Pages Available 60-65/Pages
Available Formats Word and PDF
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